Captain Hardcore Mesh Import

Importing 3D Models

PC update 0.19 adds 3D model import to Captain Hardcore!

Import any FBX or OBJ 3D model! Adjust textures and materials, and build entirely custom environments and objects! There are many possibilities, including:

  • Download endless free (or paid) models online that can be imported to the game.
  • Unreal engine assets (from the Unreal marketplace) can be exported as FBX then imported to Captain Hardcore.
  • You could build your own objects or environments in Blender, then import them to the game.
  • You could use it to create accessories for the characters.

Captain Hardcore Mesh Import

Importing Meshes

  1. To import 3D models, first place the FBX or OBJ files inside the FluidGame/MeshImport folder. You can create sub directories in here to help organise things.
  2. Next, add a new Mesh Import object to your scene, this can be found in the same menu as the spawnable furniture.
  3. Now set your import settings. Some meshes will work perfectly fine with the default settings, others may need some adjustments.
  4. After importing a mesh you can adjust these settings and hit the re import button if you want to change anything.
    • Collision – There are two options for collision:

Import UCX – Normally assets in Unreal have simplified collision shapes made out of boxes, capsules and spheres. This is the preffered way to set up collision as it’s a lot easier on performance, and helps to keep physics interactions stable. There are many tutorials online about creating UCX collision for Unreal, such as this one here.

UCX  collision shapes should have the same name as the main mesh but with UCX_ as a prefix. When you select this option the game will import these shapes and use them for collision. If it doesn’t find any UCX collision shapes then the mesh will have no collision.

Mesh – This uses the actual per poly mesh for calculating collision. It’ll give you very accurate collision detection and involves less setup, but depending on the mesh it can be extremely heavy on performance. Lower detailed meshes are ok, but more complex meshes might cause heavy drops in frame rate when characters are close to or colliding with them.

    • Convert Scene – This will convert the scene from the FBX coordinate system to use UE4’s coordinate system. If your mesh is importing with the wrong orientation, or parts of it are in the wrong location, then this setting should help!
    • Import Scale – This multiplies the scale of the imported mesh, for example setting it to 0.5 will scale the model down to half it’s original size, and setting it to 2 will double it. If you import a mesh and can’t see it, it might need scaling up because it was created using different units to Unreal. For example some meshes will need the scale set to 100.

Captain Hardcore Mesh Import Materials

Textures and Materials

  1. If the FBX or OBJ has textures embedded inside it then the game should import and apply these automatically. Only .png and .jpg textures are supported.
  2. Within the materials tab you can adjust each material section individually. Here you can apply other textures and adjust material properties such as roughness, emissive, colour etc.
  3. The “material type” setting has two options:

Masked – This is the default setting and will work well for most objects. The alpha texture map can be used as a mask to “cut out” parts of a mesh if needed.
Translucent – Use this for anything that needs to be transparent. For example glass, water, a hologram etc. The alpha map can be used to affect transparency, and the opacity slider will scale the overall transparency.

Sharing 3D Models

The Captain Hardcore Discord server has a dedicated channel for sharing objects with other players! Join now and check out what the community is building!